Take a look at some of the projects I’ve worked on.
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Weather App

Fully functioning Weather App developed using HTML. CSS and Vanilla JS. Designed with Bootstrap, features AJAX and API Integrations. Displays the current day, date and time of cities. On the same page is a weather forecast for 3 days. User can switch the units of temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit. Beside the search button is the current locatioon feature which uses the google geolocation API to display the weather forecast of the user's current location.

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RGB Color Game

Built with HTML, CSS and JS. The RGB Color Guessing Game displays different colors in a row. With a given RGB Code, user selects a color from the given options.

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Dictionary app

Functional Dictionary App built with HTML. CSS and React. Designed with Bootstrap, Features API Integrations. With the active search engine, user can look up words and get as a response the noun, verb, pronunciation and images of the searched word.

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SDG-5 Landing Page

A simple responsive site built with HTML, CSS, JS and designed with Bootstrap. Explains the Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender Equality and features few women advocates. User can switch the site's theme between light and dark mode.

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